Monday, January 2, 2012

Dreaming of... Theda Bara's Closet

Having had maybe just a few too many of those "celebrity cocktails" before venturing out the annual celebration (tip: NEVER mix a Mae West Martini with a Valentino Blood and Sand), I found myself trapped in Theda Bara's closet! Was it real or did I actually wear these to a New Year's Eve party?
This seemed a demure choice,
but there were so many more to investigate!
I found this a tad too fussy.....
especially since I was taking the bus to the party.

This was actually my favorite, but I kept tripping
over the feathers and never made it down the stairs.
No wonder I got so many text
messages from strangers!
I seem to remember dancing
to "Walk Like an Egyptian".....
Um...does that look like I am
wearing a toilet bowl on my head?
This one gave me an even bigger headache.

By all accounts, I was a hit at the party!

Feeling a bit like Liz Taylor in "Butterfield 8."
Waking up and saying "Where the hell am I?"
By all accounts, it was a swinging party, but, man, does my head hurt!

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